I made this collage for a friend of mine that believed (past-tense because I proved her wrong) that Lady Gaga was respectable. I thought I would share it with you all.
You should make her watch Gaga's "Paparrazzi" video and then ask her if she still thinks Gaga is respectable. Because she's not. She's naked with multiple people of all sexes, and she's also dead, but then she's a murderer. It's gross.
I'm a student at BYU studying advertising--we'll see where that takes me. I'm married to my best friend, Hector, and we both have about two years left at this university (I can't wait to get out of Provo). Hector tried to start a blog for us but it hasn't gotten very far, so this is pretty much it for the both of us.
I'm glad you shared. I find her rather "interesting" and a little crazy.
Wilda was the friend who liked her wasn't she?
Kaley, you know it as much as Wilda loves Marion, she loves Gaga that much more.
You should make her watch Gaga's "Paparrazzi" video and then ask her if she still thinks Gaga is respectable. Because she's not. She's naked with multiple people of all sexes, and she's also dead, but then she's a murderer. It's gross.
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